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Is there a way to create several indexes in LARQ and execute SPARQL on them

I want to index two different OntModel and execute sparql queries on them. For example:

String query = "PREFIX fise: <>\n"
                   + "PREFIX pf: <>\n"
                   + "PREFIX skos:   <>\n"
                   + "SELECT distinct ?def\n" + "WHERE {\n"
                   + "  ?item a skos:Concept .\n"
                   + "  ?item skos:definition ?def.\n"
                   + "  (?label ?score)  pf:textMatch 'someKeyword'. \n"
                   + "};

ResultSet result = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ontModel1).execSelect();
ResultSet result2 = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ontModel2).execSelect();

How can I create different indexes for the two ont models or should I do that? Eventually, what I need is to query the two ont models using LARQ features.

As far as I understand to be able to use lucene features in while executing SPARQL, we need to implement a code like the following one.

IndexBuilderString larqBuilder = new IndexBuilderString();
IndexLARQ index = larqBuilder.getIndex();

But this code allows setting a single index. Furthermore, I don't want to merge two ont models. There is a Concext concept but I didn't get how to use it.


  • It seems the answer is registering indexes per-query execution using the context of query.

     QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model) ;
     LARQ.setDefaultIndex(qe.getContext(), index) ;