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What's a better way to write this?

public string SomeMethod(string  OriginalZip) {

     string zip = "Zip Not Available";
     zip = GetZip(zip, OriginalZip);
     return zip;
private static string GetZip(string zip, string OriginalZip)

     int zipLength = (OriginalZip.HasValue) ? OriginalZip.Value.ToString().Length : 0;
     int NumOfLeadingZeroes = (zipLength > 0 && zipLength < 5) ? 5 - zipLength : 0;

    if (OriginalZip.HasValue)
         zip = OriginalZip.Value.ToString();
         for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLeadingZeroes; i++)
             zip = "0" + zip;
    return zip;


  • Let's try to state the problem (reverse engineering) and then solve it. As far as I can see, we want to pad 0 from the left for zip to have at least 5 digits. If your case then

    private static string GetZip(string value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)
      ? new string('0', 5)
      : value.PadLeft(5, '0');


    public string SomeMethod(string originalZip) {
      string zip = GetZip(originalZip);