A CXF JAX-RS application I have uses jackson to marshal POJOs to JSON. This works for the most part, but the other day it failed with a NPE when marshalling a deeply nested object.
After some investigation I found out that Jackson was included in Glassfish 3 (through Jersey) and after removing jackson-core-asl.jar, jackson-jaxrs.jar, jackson-mapper-asl.jar
and jackson-xc.jar
everything worked beautifully. I guess that Jackson 1.7.1 (included in GF3) had some bug that was fixed in the version shipped with my application (1.8).
Now the question is, why did I even have to do this in the first place? I would have thought libraries that are included in my war files should take presedence over any libraries in Glassfish's /modules
Is there a cleaner way to do this than removing jars from the app server? Maybe there are other applications that depend on these jars ...
On a side note, the problem still exists with our GF2 container, but I cannot find any jackson libraries in the /lib
folder (there is no /modules
folder like in GF3). Any clues on where Jackson might be hiding in GF2 (if at all)?
Tell the Webapp classloader to prefer JARs provided by your WAR.
Add in your WEB-INF/sun-web.xml (or WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml):
<class-loader delegate="false"/>
See http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/glassfish.html#d4e1927