I'm trying to validate/check if the parameter x.Size
is equal to one of the given conditions above.
The issue is that Size
is string[]?
and conditions.Contains(x);
expects x to be non nullable string. By the way, if Size
is null, should be a valid condition too.
public string[]? Size { get; }
public sealed class GetProductsQueryValidator : AbstractValidator<GetProductsQuery>
public GetProductsQueryValidator()
var conditions = new List<string> { "m", "l", "s" };
RuleFor(x => x.Size)
.Must(x => conditions.Contains(x)) // compile-time error: x is expected to be non nullable
.WithMessage($"Please only use: {string.Join(",", conditions)}");
You can use .When
for this:
RuleFor(x => x.Size)
.ForEach(i => i
.Must(iv => conditions.Contains(iv!))
.WithMessage($"Please only use: {string.Join(",", conditions)}")
.When(iv => iv != null)
.When(x => x.Size != null);
Note that we need to apply a condition for each array item using ForEach
That way it will only evaluate the condition when Size isn't null, and only evaluates the item condition when the item isn't null.