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Add Button in Leaflet PopUp

i have installed a leaflet map and have tried several times to add a popup to the map that supports HTML text and contains a button. The problem with the below version is that the button appears but when you try to add a function when the button is pressed it doesn't work.

var popup = L.popup({
        offset: [0, -30]

map.on('click', (e) => {
    const lng = e.latlng.lng,
        lat =
    AddMarker(lat, lng)
        .setContent('<b>Your selected Location</b><br>Longitude: '+e.latlng.lng.toString()+'<br>Latitude: ''<br>Power supply: test<br>Water supply: test<br>Panel tilt angle: '+CalcBeta(lat)+'<br><br><center><button id="getres">More details</button>')

The other version I found in a forum is the one below where the button works but you can't use HTML text inside the popup.

//var choicePopUp = L.popup();
//var container = L.DomUtil.create('div');
//var txtcontent = document.createTextNode('');

//Btn = this.createButton('Go to this location', container);

//  .setLatLng(e.latlng)
//  .setContent(container)
//  .openOn(;

//L.DomEvent.on(Btn, 'click', () => {
//  alert("tata");

Do you have an idea how to get the 1st or the 2nd version or maybe a completely different approach?

Thank you for your help.


  • If you want to bind a click to your button, you need to bind the click event in the same scope as you create the Popup.

    You can do this in this way :

    map.on('click', (e) => {
        const lng = e.latlng.lng;
        const lat =;
        AddMarker(lat, lng);
             .setContent('<b>Your selected Location</b><br>Longitude: '
                 + e.latlng.lng.toString()
                 + '<br>Latitude: '
                 + '<br>Power supply: test<br>Water supply: test<br>Panel tilt angle: '
                 + CalcBeta(lat)
                 + '<br><br><center><button id="getres">More details</button>')
        // We bind the click event here in the same scope as we add the Popup
        document.getElementById('getres').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
            console.log('click !');
            // Here you can do your stuff