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Tab-back with a custom component that wraps an input field

Where I have a custom component that wraps an input element, I'm trying to ensure that tabindex is working correctly.

The following code will work for tabbing forward. But tabbing backwards (Shift + Tab) does not work correctly, it'll focus the outer wrapper x-input instead.

export class CustomInput extends LitElement {
  private _input: HTMLInputElement;
  constructor() {
    this.tabIndex = this.tabIndex < 0 ? 0 : this.tabIndex;
    this.addEventListener("focusin", this._onFocusIn);
  render() {
    return html`<input tabindex="-1">`;
  private _onFocusIn(): void {

A full playgound/example can be found here.


  • Just make use of delegateFocus property of the shadowRoot. It would work naturally. You don't need to setup complex focus event behavior:

    import {html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';
    import {customElement, query} from 'lit/decorators.js';
    export class CustomInput extends LitElement {
      static shadowRootOptions = {
        delegatesFocus: true
      private _input: HTMLInputElement;
      constructor() {
        this.tabIndex = this.tabIndex < 0 ? 0 : this.tabIndex;
      render() {
        // The input element is naturally tabbable
        return html`<input tabindex="0">`;

    The delegateFocus will do two things:

    • When the custom element is focused, the focus is given to the first focusable element inside the shadow root.
    • When the inside element gets focused, the :focus style gets applied to your host/custom element. Read more about the delegateFocus here. Also this article has a nice explainer about handling focus.