I use next-auth and I have a prisma adapter to PostgreSQL.
When I connected to keycloak(openid), it occoured errors.
prisma, postgresql, keycloak, nextauth
my all error logs below:
Invalid `p.account.create()` invocation in
→ 19 linkAccount: (data) => p.account.create({
data: {
provider: 'keycloak',
type: 'oauth',
providerAccountId: '1368b98d-d517-4530-8706-b5ec54aaf18c',
access_token: 1gRDY-
expires_at: 1662888014,
refresh_expires_in: 1800,
'not-before-policy': 0,
session_state: '1580ca55-c649-4cba-aa37-f2c335c8217a',
scope: 'openid profile email',
userId: 'cl7x4jxfk0004fkgasu1cfd6n'
Unknown arg `not-before-policy` in data.not-before-policy for type
→ 19 linkAccount: (data) => p.account.create({
data: {
provider: 'keycloak',
type: 'oauth',
providerAccountId: '1368b98d-d517-4530-8706-b5ec54aaf18c',
name: 'LinkAccountError', code: undefined
A workaround is to delete the not-before-policy property
just before it will be added to the DB.
// src/lib/prisma.ts
// https://github.com/prisma/prisma/discussions/10037
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"
let prisma: PrismaClient
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
prisma = new PrismaClient()
} else {
let globalWithPrisma = global as typeof globalThis & {
prisma: PrismaClient
if (!globalWithPrisma.prisma) {
globalWithPrisma.prisma = new PrismaClient(/*{ log: ['info', 'query'] }*/)
prisma = globalWithPrisma.prisma
prisma.$use(async (params, next) => {
if (params.action == "create" && params.model == "Account") {
delete params.args.data["not-before-policy"]
const result = await next(params)
// See results here
return result
export default prisma
// src/pages/api/[...nextauth].ts
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import KeycloakProvider from "next-auth/providers/keycloak"
import { PrismaAdapter } from "@next-auth/prisma-adapter"
import prisma from "src/lib/prisma"
// For more information on each option (and a full list of options) go to
// https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options
export default NextAuth({
adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma),
// ....