I'm trying to create a custom animation in Next.js with tailwindcss but not working, I'm following the docs but no luck
link: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/animation#customizing-your-theme
note: the builtin tailwind animation working but the custom one doesn't
import '@/app/globals.css';
const SomeComponent: React.FC = () => {
return (
<p className={'animate-bounce'}> This is animated with builtin tailwind utility </p>
<p className={'animate-wiggle'}> This should be animated </p>
export default SomeComponent;
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@theme {
--animate-wiggle: wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes wiggle {
100% {
transform: rotate(-3deg);
50% {
transform: rotate(3deg);
The 'ugly' solution it to duct tape it with vanilla css but come on tailwind you can do it :)
You're trying to use v4 configuration syntax but you are using Tailwind v3. So, as per the v3 docs, you should apply the following in your tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
// …
theme: {
extend: {
animation: {
wiggle: 'wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite',
keyframes: {
wiggle: {
'0%, 100%': { transform: 'rotate(-3deg)' },
'50%': { transform: 'rotate(3deg)' },