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Round borders with DT datatables in R

I would like round borders on my DT table. Unfortunately my JS skills are very limited (or even inexistent) thus I would be very happy if somebody could help me to figure out how to implement round borders on a DT table in R.

This is my code so far:

  data = iris,
  options = list(
    initComplete = DT::JS(
      "function(settings, json) {",
          'background-color': 'black',
          'color': 'white',
          'border-top-left-radius': '4px',
          'border-top-right-radius': '4px'

The last part border-top-left-radius does not work but something like this would be the solution. I think this answer has the solution in pure JS but I need somebody to help me to implement this snippet in my R code.

Here is a screenshot from my code. Now I would like to have the top left and right border with a radius. As you can see the border is 90 degrees at the moment.

still with pointy borders


  • The following code does the trick! Got the solution from the following link from datatables forum.

      data = iris,
      options = list(
        initComplete = DT::JS(
          "function(settings, json) {",
          "$('th').css({'background-color': 'black'});",
          "$('th').css({'color': 'white'});",
          "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '15px'});",
          "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '15px'});",