import hospital from "./hospital.json";
class Hospital {
constructor(public hospital) {
const SampleHospital = new Hospital(hospital);
I have raw data which is hospital.json.
I decided to create a class for a hospital to add some methods to the hospital.
The problem is
When I want to access to hospital's field there will always be extra access .hospital.
I want to make it
Of course, I can add another public field.
But to create every public field for hospital object will require a lot of effort.
I tried
type THospital = typeof hospital ;
class Hospital implements THospital {
constructor(hospital: THospital) {
[...Object.keys(hospital)].forEach(key => this[key] = hospital[key])
But the typescript didn't understand my field assignment.
It says fields are missing
you can loop on all keys of parameter object and assign current object to parameter object value
const hospital = {
name: 'win',
contact: 'test'
class Hospital {
constructor(hospital) {
[...Object.keys(hospital)].forEach(key => this[key] = hospital[key]);
const SampleHospital = new Hospital(hospital);
In typescript you will have to say my type can have other property you have to use index signature for this [index: string]: any;
const hospital = {
name: 'win',
contact: 'test'
class Hospital {
[index: string]: any;
constructor(hospital) {
[...Object.keys(hospital)].forEach(key => this[key] = hospital[key]);
const SampleHospital = new Hospital(hospital);