I am trying to create a 4-bit multiplier using behavioral Verilog with assignment statements and procedural blocks if possible. The circuit I am trying to replicate is this one :
So far, I defined the submodule fouralu_adder
which is a simple unsigned 4-bit adder. Then I wrote the following psuedo-code:
module fouralu_multi(
input [3:0] A_i,//Input signals
input [3:0] B_i,
output [7:0] S_o//Output signal
wire [4:0] S1,S2;//These were supposed to be the SUM wires coming out of AD1 and AD2
wire [3:0] AND;
fouralu_adder AD1(
//Port connections here
fouralu_adder AD2(
//Port connections here
fouralu_adder AD3(
//Port connections here
The initial idea I had was to somehow assign the behavior of the and gates with something like :
assign AND = A_i&B_i[0];
then repeat for each value of B_i
but quickly realized it would be quite an inefficient approach. This leads me to ask the question : How do I implement the circuit using behavioral verilog? How am I to connect the input ports to the submodule without using structural verilog, and with as little wire
variables as possible? Thank you in advance for your help
You can use for loop, google it and you'll learn how to use it.
For example
integer idx;
reg [3:0] A_AND_B [0:3];
always @(*)begin
for( idx=0; idx<4; idx=idx+1) A_AND_B[idx] = {4{B[idx]}} & A;
this code equals to
reg [3:0] A_AND_B [0:3];
always @(*)begin
A_AND_B[0] = {4{B[0]}} & A;
A_AND_B[1] = {4{B[1]}} & A;
A_AND_B[2] = {4{B[2]}} & A;
A_AND_B[3] = {4{B[3]}} & A;