When we run tests using Cucumber, we have the option to use an ENV variable and publish the results to cucumber.io, or even without an ENV variable eg:
View your Cucumber Report at:
This report will self-destruct in 24h.
Keep reports forever: https://reports.cucumber.io/profile
This works great!!!! But I would like to grab that "some-uuid" and send it to slack (and other places) so others can use it
I can not see a way of getting this with Java using a Hook or Listeners (I think it gets sent back to maven)
I trigger the tests with a bash script, and I was hoping the uuid could be grabbed using something like:
mvn test -Dtest=jRunnerMyTest -Dcucumber.filter.tags="$TAGS" ...| tee log.txt
However, in this case, within the log.txt, the above does not capture that bit of text containing the reports url (I dont really know why), if it did, I could regex the output and grab that url
I have also tried using --log-file, eg:
mvn test --log-file log.txt -Dtest=jRunnerMyTest -Dcucumber.filter.tags="$TAGS" ...
In this case, within the log.txt, it DOES capture the uuid, However when the tests run, there is no command output. I really need that command output, since testers use it while running the tests.
How can I get the reports url (https://reports.cucumber.io/reports/some-uuid ) and keep the console output?
I have done this (a long time ago now) You can just get the response from a text file and strip it out in bash:
cmd="mvn test --log-file log.txt -Dtest=x -Dcucumber.filter.tags='"$TAGS"'
reportsUrl=$(grep -hr "reports.cucumber" log.txt | grep -v "profile" | grep -Eo 'http[^ \[U>]+'| sed 's/[^a-z0-9\.\/\-\:-]//g')
testLine=$(grep -hr "Tests run" log.txt | grep -v "FAILURE" | grep -v "Time elapsed")