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Put a category of column's non-null count as a separate column

I have to first calculate the number of values in a column (include duplicates too). After that I have to assign a pool range.

Example pool ranges: (1000-3000), (3001-7000), (7001-20000), (20001-500000).

Suppose we get the count of total number of values as 4500 in column A and 8500 in column B. 4500 will be in range (3001-7000) and 8500 in (7001-20000).

There are columns C and D in which I have to return this range value. Column C contains information for column A, so column C will populate with values (3001-7000). Similarly, column D contains information for column B, so column D will populate with values (7001-2000). How can we achieve this in PySpark?

enter image description here


  • Counting the non-null values is easy in Spark (df.summary("count")), but you will need to provide the pool ranges somehow. In the following example I provided pool ranges as a list of lists (one: 1 -> 2, another: 3 -> 10).


    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    df = spark.createDataFrame(
        [(1111, 2222),
         (1111, None),
         (1111, None),
         (None, None)],
        ["col1", "col2"])
    ranges = [
        [1, 2],
        [3, 10]


    cols = ["col1", "col2"]
    df = df.replace("", None)
    summary = df.agg(*[F.count(c).alias(c) for c in cols]).head().asDict()
    col_rng = {}
    for c, cnt in summary.items():
        for r in ranges:
            if r[1] >= int(cnt):
                col_rng[c] = f"{r[0]}->{r[1]}"
    df = df.withColumn("range_col1", F.lit(col_rng["col1"]))
    df = df.withColumn("range_col2", F.lit(col_rng["col2"]))
    # +----+----+----------+----------+
    # |col1|col2|range_col1|range_col2|
    # +----+----+----------+----------+
    # |1111|2222|     3->10|      1->2|
    # |1111|null|     3->10|      1->2|
    # |1111|null|     3->10|      1->2|
    # |null|null|     3->10|      1->2|
    # +----+----+----------+----------+