I am new to Spark / Databricks. My question is whether is it recommended / possible to mix sql and Pandas API dataframes? Is it possible to create a pyspark.pandas.DataFrame directly from a pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame, or I need to re-read the parquet file?
# Suppose you have an SQL dataframe (now I read Boston Safety Data from Microsoft Open Dataset)
blob_account_name = "azureopendatastorage"
blob_container_name = "citydatacontainer"
blob_relative_path = "Safety/Release/city=Boston"
blob_sas_token = r""
wasbs_path = 'wasbs://%s@%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name, blob_relative_path)
spark.conf.set('fs.azure.sas.%s.%s.blob.core.windows.net' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name), blob_sas_token)
print('Remote blob path: ' + wasbs_path)
df = spark.read.parquet(wasbs_path)
# Convert df to pyspark.pandas.Dataframe
df2 = # ...?
Tried df.toPandas()
, that is not good, because it converts to plain, undistributed pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
A workaround is to read the parquet again into a pyspark.pandas.Dataframe
which I try to avoid.
IIUC you are looking to convert a spark dataframe to a pandas on spark dataframe.
EDIT: as per Yashash comment, the pandas_api
method is now preferred, available since Spark 3.2.
Before 3.2 you can use the to_pandas_on_spark
df2 = df.to_pandas_on_spark()
<class 'pyspark.pandas.frame.DataFrame'>