I have a class called SLList
whuch accepts a doubly linked list SLList
of any generic type as an input.
I've decided to use a sentinel approach to aid in my task.
I am now trying to convert my doubly linked list into a string using function public String makestring()
and also get the index of a specific node via function public T findindexof(int i)
Here is my code so far:
public class SLList<T>{
private class IntNode {
private T data;
private IntNode previous;
private IntNode next;
public IntNode (T data, IntNode previous, IntNode next) {
this.data = data;
this.previous = previous;
this.next = next;
public IntNode () {
next = previous = this;
IntNode sentinel;
private int length = 0;
public SLList(){
sentinel = new IntNode(); // Self referencing previous/next
public String makestring() {
return sentinel.data.toString();
public T findindexof(int i) {
return sentinel.data[i];
My findindexof(int i)
must only get the item at the given index, where 0 is the front, 1 is the next item and so forth. If no such item exists, returns null. It must not alter the deque either.
I am struggling to understand how to implement this function, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You can loop for i
iterations, moving between nodes through the next
field each time.
public T findindexof(int i) {
IntNode curr = sentinel;
for (int j = 0; j < i && curr != null; j++)
curr = curr.next;
return curr != null ? curr.data : null;