How do I make a qTip callout show when the page is loaded, and ALSO stay there even if I hover over the field. In essence I just want a fixed callout, and am using qTip for its ease of positioning and styling.
Note: I tried the "show: {ready: true}" setting, but this simply initially renders the call-out. If one hovers over the associated target field, the call-out disappears. I need it to show displayed, period.
P.S. I'm using the latest 1.* (stable version).
Adding the
hide: { when: 'mouseout', fixed: true },
didn't seem to help either for some reason, nor did
hide: {fixed: true }
Maybe I'm using these options wrong?
hide: false, // Don't specify a hide event
show: { ready: true } // Show the qtip when ready.