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how to make a standalone build when using nextJS?

I'm working on a project where they chose to use nextJS as a client side tool, but I want to deploy the client as static code somewhere else.

Doing a build creates a folder with all the nextJS proprietary server stuff.

Is there a way to make a normal build to just static react files? I don't want SSR or any of their EEE stuff.

I know Vercel is a VC backed mousetrap, so it's not really in their interest to make it easy to extract yourself, but hoping we don't have to rebuild the site to get out of this.


  • Update your build script in package.json to use next export:

    "scripts": {
      "build": "next build && next export"

    Note: this feature does not support the following:

    • Image Optimization (default loader)
    • Internationalized Routing
    • API Routes
    • Rewrites
    • Redirects
    • Headers
    • Middleware
    • Incremental Static Regeneration
    • fallback: true
    • getServerSideProps

    If you are using any of the features listed above, you will have to stick to prerendering individual pages, which Next automatically does for you.

    Source: Docs

    UPDATE February 2024: the configuration to for static exports has changed, slightly. Refer to the latest Next.js docs for details.