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how can i execute constructor only when i execute batch process?

I'm making batch process using spring batch.

I intend to integrate spring batch into spring-webmvc project.

But, when I start spring-webmvc server, spring batch's ItemReader, ItemProcessor, ItemWriter Constructors called.

I used constructors to get batch data from database, so I expect database's data will be remained in memory.

I think it may cause waste of memory.

So how can I call these constructors only when I execute batch process?

Here is my batch configuration.

public class DbSyncConfiguration {
  private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
  private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
  private final int BATCH_SIZE = 1000;

  public Job dbSyncJob() {
    return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("dbSyncJob")
            .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())

  public Step userParseStep() {
    return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("userParseStep")
            .<ParseItem, ParseItem>chunk(BATCH_SIZE)
            .reader(new UserItemParseReader())
            .writer(new UserItemParseWriter())


  • You can lazy initialize spring configuration for batch for this case.
