I have a dataset column with following value
1.01 Cr
20.5 L
2.51 Cr
3.16 Cr
1.68 L
and so on
(1 Cr = 10000000, 1 L = 100000)
how do I unformat this number for example, 1.01 Cr to 10100000 and 20.5 L to 2050000
I refered this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuqBhwzWqBU&ab_channel=JigneshGupta
and tried =IFNA(LEFT(C2,LEN(C2)-1)CHOOSE(MATCH(RIGHT(C2,1),{"L","Cr"},0),100000,10000000),C2)
but its not working.
I know nothing about excel let me know that formula should I use?
Dataset sample Image refer this img for sample view
The formula you are using looks to the last character in the string. CR is two characters and as such you will never match. Instead, split on the space:
=LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)*CHOOSE(MATCH(MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,LEN(A1)),{"L","Cr"},0),100000,10000000)
With the newer functions currently being released we can use TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER instead:
=TEXTBEFORE(A1," ")*CHOOSE(MATCH(TEXTAFTER(A1," "),{"L","Cr"},0),100000,10000000)