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How to make navigation arrow more conspicuous when using Quarto to make revealjs slides

How do I adjust the navigation arrows in revealjs when using Quarto in vertical navigation. The down arrow can be easily hidden by slide content. I would like to increase the size, change the color or animate the navigation arrow.

My sample code is below any help is appreciated.

    controls: true
    navigation-mode: vertical
    self-contained: true

#  Adjust Navigation Arrows


-   How do I format the down arrow to navigate to this slide so it is more noticeable such as increasing size, changing color or animating it?


  • You just need to set css rules for .navigate-up and .navigate-down classes.

        controls: true
        navigation-mode: vertical
        self-contained: true
        css: styles.css
    #  Adjust Navigation Arrows
    -   How do I format the down arrow to navigate to this slide so it is more noticeable such as increasing size, changing color or animating it?


    .navigate-up .controls-arrow,
    .navigate-down .controls-arrow {
      font-size: 20px;
      color: red;

    This will style both the up and down navigation buttons.

    Styling navigation button in Vertical mode

    If you only want to style the down arrow button, just remove the .navigate-down .controls-arrow css selector.

    .navigate-down .controls-arrow {
      font-size: 20px;
      color: red;