Possible Duplicate:
Direct casting vs 'as' operator?
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR
object myObject = "Hello world.";
var myString = myObject as string;
object myObject = "Hello world.";
var myString = (string)myObject;
I have seen type conversion done both ways. What is the difference?
var myString = myObject as string;
It only checks the runtime type of myobject
. If its string
, only then it cast as string
, else simply returns null
var myString = (string)myObject;
This also looks for implicit
conversion to string from the source type. If neither the runtime type is string
, nor there is implicit
conversion, then it throws exception.
Read Item 3: Prefer the is
or as
Operators to Casts from Effective C# by Bill Wagner.