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Running an Erlang Application in Eclipse is throwing an exception

I have installed Erlang OTP 25.0, erlide 0.56.0, Eclipse 2022-09 & Java 18. I have created a new Erlang project and module. I am facing 2 issues.

Issue #1: Getting an error when I tried to launch the Eclipse after creating the Erlang project.

Issue #2: When I tried to run the application, I am getting an exception "Launching App1 has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during launching App1. Expected the service OtpNodeProxy 5756dc@null FAILED to be running, but the service has FAILED" as shown in the screenshot ErlangRunConfigException. Please help me in resolving the issue.

I have followed the procedure given below.

  1. Installed Eclipse and Erlide plugin
  2. Installed Erlang OTP 25.0 from
  3. Updated the environment PATH to refer to the Erlang installation path. I cross-checked this setting by typing "werl".
  4. In Eclipse, Erlang InstalledRuntimes is automatically updated with the Erlang version 25.0. Refer to the screenshot ErlangInstalledRuntime
  5. Created a Erlang project and module.
  6. Edited the Hello.erl with HelloWorld code.
  7. In Eclipse->RunConfguration, created an ErlangApplication (refer to the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Erlang). I set RunTime and Node name as shown in the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Runtime. Selected the Windows PATH as shown in the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Environment.


hello_world() -> io:fwrite("hello, world\n").

Erlang RunConfig Exception

Erlang Installed Runtime Setting



werl output
werl output


Project structure
Project Structure

Eclipse Launching Error
Eclipse Launching Error


  • Unfortunately, Erlang 25 doesn't load beam files older than v21, and the files included in erlide are that old. I am not really maintaining the project anymore, I can try to rebuild with v25, but can make no promises. Even then, the debugger will no longer work, it can be good to note.