I am sending a POST request with the Sample JSON request body:
"name" : "jeff",
"country" : "US",
"content" : {
"subject" : "Test-Subject",
"body" : "Test-body"
The class that is this JSON is deserialized into:
public class Template<T extends Content> {
String name;
String country;
T content;
Content looks like this:
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @JsonCreator)
@JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property="content")
@JsonSubTypes(@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = EmailContent.class, name="EmailContent"))
public abstract class Content {
private String body;
This is what I want T content to deserialize into:
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @JsonCreator)
public class EmailContent extends Content {
private String subject;
I have everything working in Template EXCEPT the generic content type which is giving me trouble no matter what JsonTypeInfo I use. I am trying to deserialize it into an EmailTemplate class. I have other classes extending from content so I am not looking to use @JsonDeserialize.
Solved...it was due to using graalVM which supports partial reflection. I fixed this by adding the @ReflectiveAccess
annotation alongside lombok's @Jacksonized
annotation for deserializing builder types.