I have a dictionary, which is a nested dictionary. I want to sort it according to the date and time provided in the dictionary. how to do this is c#. Here is my code
foreach (var user in Load_User)
print("Standard User");
_Standard_User.Add(user.Key, new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ "Email", user.Value.Email },
{ "age",user.Value.age},
{"userName", user.Value.userName},
{"mobile", user.Value.mobile},
{ "City_Of_Residence", user.Value.City_Of_Residence },
{ "nationality", user.Value.nationality },
{ "No_of_Votes", user.Value.No_of_Votes.ToString()},
{"Creation_Date", user.Value.Projects[0].Creation_Date},
{"Creation_Time", user.Value.Projects[0].Creation_Time},
{"type", user.Value.Projects[0].type},
You can do this using LINQ (make sure to include the System.Linq
_Standard_User.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToDateTime(x.Value["Creation_Date"]).Add(TimeSpan.Parse(x.Value["Creation_Time"])))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
This will return the dictionary, sorted by both the creation date and time. This expects the Creation_Date
to be parseable by Convert.ToDateTime
(a format like 2022-09-30), and Creation_Time
to be parseable by TimeSpan.Parse
(a format like 10:38).
If you have the exact format, you can utilize TimeSpan.ParseExact
which will bypass any culture issues:
_Standard_User.OrderBy(x => DateTime.ParseExact(x.Value["Creation_Date"], "yyyy-MM-dd", null).Add(TimeSpan.Parse(x.Value["Creation_Time"])))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
The snippet above will be functionally equal to the previous snippet, but it will expect dates in the format of year-month-day.