Search code examples

unnest a column and merge rows based on the unnested column in Postgres

I have a table like this:

ID A's price B's price C's price D's price
A,B,C 1 2 3 null
D null null null 4
B null 10 null null

what I want to achieve:

ID price
A 1
B 2,10
C 3
D 4

I tried unnest(string_to_array(ID,',')) then concat_ws(',', "A's price", "B's price", "C's price", "D's price"), it doesn't give me the desired output.

Is there a way to achieve this in Postgres or do I need to switch to pandas?

Appreciate any ideas and suggestions!


  • First thing - this data design is horrible. Think about normalization (at least 1NF) and then querying will be so much simpler.
    Flatten the table in t subquery and then group by individual id and re-aggregate.

    -- Test data
    create table the_table 
     id text, 
     aprice numeric, 
     bprice numeric, 
     cprice numeric, 
     dprice numeric
    insert into the_table values
    ('A,B,C', 1,    2,    3,    null),
    ('D',     null, null, null, 4),
    ('B',     null, 10,   null, null);
    -- Query
    select id,
      string_agg (case id 
         when 'A' then aprice 
         when 'B' then bprice 
         when 'C' then cprice
         when 'D' then dprice 
         end ::text, ',') as price
      select unnest(string_to_array(id, ',')) as id, aprice, bprice, cprice, dprice
      from the_table
    ) as t
    group by id order by id;