matching multiple title in single query using like keyword
I am trying to get all records if that matches with given titles.
below is the structure of database please see database screenshot
when i pass single like query it returns data
@Query("SELECT * FROM task WHERE task_tags LIKE '%\"title\":\"Priority\"%'")
when i try to generate query dynamically to search multiple match it return 0 data
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0 until tags.size) {
val firstQuery = "%\"title\":\"Priority\"%"
if (i == 0) {
} else stringBuilder.append(" OR '%\"title\":\"${tags[i].title}\"%'")
this is function I have made
@Query("SELECT * FROM task WHERE task_tags LIKE:tagQuery ")
fun getTaskByTag(stringBuilder.toString() : String): List<Task>
The single data is fine. However, you simply cannot use the second method.
First you are omitting the space after LIKE,
Then you are omitting the full test i.e. you have task_ tags LIKE ? OR ??
when it should be task_tags LIKE ? OR task_tags LIKE ?? ....
And even then, due to the way that a parameter is handled by room the entire parameter is wrapped/encased as a single string, so the OR/OR LIKE's all become part of what is being searched for as a single test.
As a get around though, you could utilise a RawQuery where the SQL statement is built accordingly.
As an example:-
fun rawQuery(qry: SimpleSQLiteQuery): Cursor
fun getTaskByManyTags(tags: List<String>): List<Task> {
val rv = ArrayList<Task>()
val sb=StringBuilder()
var afterFirst = false
for (tag in tags) {
if (afterFirst) {
sb.append(" OR task_tags ")
sb.append(" LIKE '%").append(tag).append("%'")
afterFirst = true
if (sb.isNotEmpty()) {
val csr: Cursor = rawQuery(SimpleSQLiteQuery("SELECT * FROM task WHERE task_tags $sb"))
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
// other columns ....
return rv
Note that the complex string with the embedded double quotes is, in this example, passed rather than built into the function (relatively simple change to incorporate) e.g. could be called using
val tasks1 = taskDao.getTaskByManyTags(listOf())
would return no tasks (handling no passed tags something you would need to decide upon)val tasks2 = taskDao.getTaskByManyTags(listOf("\"title\":\"Priority\""))
val tasks3 = taskDao.getTaskByManyTags(listOf("\"title\":\"Priority\"","\"title\":\"Priority\"","\"title\":\"Priority\""))
obviously the tags would changeVery limited testing has been undertaken (hence just the 3 columns) but the result of running all 3 (as per the above 3 invocations) against a very limited database (basically the same row) results in the expected (as per breakpoint):-
The resultant query of the last (3 passed tags) being (as extracted from the getTaskaByManyTags function):-
SELECT * FROM task WHERE task_tags LIKE '%"title":"Priority"%' OR task_tags LIKE '%"title":"Priority"%' OR task_tags LIKE '%"title":"Priority"%'