I have a dictionary of Lists with types (Weapon, Armour, Potion) that extended from 1 parent (Item), in a child classes GetItemData
overrides with different properties
internal abstract class Item
protected string name = "Item";
protected int level = GameConstants.MIN_ITEM_LEVEL;
protected string description = "";
protected Types type;
public enum Types
armour, potion, weapon
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetItemData()
return new Dictionary<string, dynamic>() {
{ "name", name},
{ "description", description },
{ "type", type }
//dictionary in player class
protected Dictionary<string, object> inventory
= new()
{"WEAPON", new List<Weapon>() },
{"AMOUR", new List<Armour>() },
{"POTION", new List<Potion>() }
//All are extended from Item `class Weapon:Item`
I need to show some data from each list to user, for this i create a function that takes a itemSelector for dictionary, and Write data from them to console. But function that i write is not work, its throw
System.InvalidCastException: "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[Items.Weapon.Weapon]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[Items.Item]'."
private void ListPlayerItems(string previewText, string itemSelector)
int itemIndex = 0;
((List<Item>)inventory[itemSelector]).ForEach(item =>
Dictionary<string, dynamic> itemData = item.GetItemData();
Console.Write($"{itemIndex}) Название: {itemData["name"]}; Описание:{itemData["description"]}; ");
if (item is Weapon)
Console.Write($"Минимальный урон: {itemData["minDamage"]}; Максимальный урон: {itemData["maxDamage"]}\n");
The problem is in Type that takes a List<>
in implicit operator
((List<Item>)inventory[itemSelector]).ForEach(item =>
As i get it, i need somehow downcast Item
to type of picked List
, i dont know how to do that, please help me with that, maybe i make it wrong from start and you know better way to do this
C# does not support variance for classes (see this and this), so List<Item>
is not List<Weapon>
even if Item
is base class for Weapon
. For this particular use case you can workaround with non-generic IEnumerable
, OfType
method and ordinary foreach
foreach(var item in ((IEnumerable)inventory[itemSelector]).OfType<Item>())
// ...use item
or leverage covariance of IEnumerable<T>
foreach(var item in ((IEnumerable<Item>)inventory[itemSelector]))
// ...use item
Also I would recommend to avoid using dynamic
and object
typed variables or collections whenever it is possible so possibly it is worth to rework your data structures a little bit.