Search code examples

Elasticsearch filter for a field based on several terms matching on all of them

I want to filter a list of employees based on programming language skills like C, C++, Java etc. I am using Elasticsearch DSL in Java to search based on all of the terms.

termsQuery returns data matching any of the terms : means if at least one terms matches, it selects the data

enter image description here

I tried to the following code to set minimum_should_match to tags.length to match all given tags as "AND operator" to filter data but failed.

QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders

I also tried to use TermsSetQueryBuilder to check list of terms but it throws exception : minimum_should_match_field not set

QueryBuilder query =
                            new TermsSetQueryBuilder("tags", tags)

Also, tried to set minimum_should_match_field in TermsSetQuery, but it only accepts String, not numeric value or percentage as mention here. Tried to set like minimum_should_match_field = "2" minimum_should_match_field = "100%" even tried to setMinimumShouldMatchScript. Not working.

QueryBuilder query =
                            new TermsSetQueryBuilder("tags", tags)

How can I filter for a field("tags") based on several terms("tags": ["JAVA", "C"]) matching on all of them?

UPDATED My code looks like the following:

public List<Employee> getEmployeesByFilters(List<String> terms) {

    int required_matches = terms.size();
    QueryBuilder query =
                            new TermsSetQueryBuilder(
                                    "filters", terms)

    NativeSearchQuery nativeSearchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()

    List<Employee> employees = elasticsearchRestTemplate
    .search(nativeSearchQuery, Employee.class)
    .stream().map(SearchHit -> SearchHit.getContent())

    return employees;


  • You can simpaly use boolean query to get expected result:

            "bool" : {
                "must" : [
                   {"term" : { "tags" : "JAVA" }},
                   {"term" : { "tags" : "C" }}

    Terms Set query is not working because you need to add one field something like required_matches and set number for the number of matching terms required to return a document while indexing document.

    So your index document will be looks like something below:

      "name": "Jane Smith",
      "tags": [ "C", "JAVA" ],
      "required_matches": 2

    And you query will be looks like below:

      "query": {
        "terms_set": {
          "tags": {
            "terms": [ "JAVA", "C" ],
            "minimum_should_match_field": "required_matches"

    I hope you will be able to create Java code from this query.


    QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                    .must(new TermsSetQueryBuilder("tags", tags).setMinimumShouldMatchField("required_matches"));

    Updated 2:

    You can use minimum_should_match_script and provide the params.num_terms as script which will count number of terms you have given in query and match all the terms and return result.

    Elasticsearch Query:

      "query": {
        "terms_set": {
          "tags": {
            "terms": [
            "minimum_should_match_script": {
              "source": "params.num_terms"
            "boost": 1

    Java code:

    Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Script script = new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "painless", "params.num_terms", param);
            QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                    .must(new TermsSetQueryBuilder("tags", tags).setMinimumShouldMatchScript(script));