My current code:
const donutData = [
values: [2, 98],
labels: ['', ''],
sort: false,
marker: {
colors: ['#0099cc', '#535353'],
name: '',
hoverinfo: 'none',
textfont: {
size: [16, 1],
color: ['#ffffff', '#535353'],
fill: ['#ffffff', '#535353'],
hole: 0.7,
insidetextorientation: 'none',
type: 'pie',
textposition: 'none',
automargin: true,
const layout = {
paper_bgcolor: '#262626',
plot_bgcolor: '#262626',
autosize: true,
margin: { t: 100, b: 10, l: 0, r: 0 },
font: {
color: '#fff',
family: 'Roboto',
size: 18,
showlegend: false,
width: 500,
height: 500,
title: {
text: `donut`,
annotations: [
font: {
size: 60,
showarrow: false,
text: `30%`,
I want to reduce space between title and donut chart. I tried adding pad:0 in margin object but it did not work. Also I couldn't find any related attribute in title object. Is there any property to help me? SS added.
You can control the space by the variable y
such as y=0.8
in the title
parameter as follows:
title: {
text: `donut`,
y: 0.8 # you can change this value as you prefer to reduce the space