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How can I move transformation module to Memgraph that runs in Docker?

I'm trying to figure out how streaming with Kafka works in combination with Memgraph. I have a Memgraph running in a Docker container. I've created a module called using Visual Studio Code but I can't save it into the docker.

import mgp
import json

def rating(messages: mgp.Messages
                ) -> mgp.Record(query=str, parameters=mgp.Nullable[mgp.Map]):
    result_queries = []

    for i in range(messages.total_messages()):
        message = messages.message_at(i)
        movie_dict = json.loads(message.payload().decode('utf8'))
                query=("MERGE (u:User {id: $userId}) "
                        "MERGE (m:Album {id: $albumId, title: $title}) "
                        "WITH u, m "
                        "UNWIND $genres as genre "
                        "MERGE (m)-[:OF_GENRE]->(:Genre {name: genre}) "
                        "MERGE (u)-[r:RATED {rating: ToFloat($rating), timestamp: $timestamp}]->(m)"),
                    "userId": album_dict["userId"],
                    "albumId": album_dict["movie"]["movieId"],
                    "title": album_dict["album"]["title"],
                    "genres": album_dict["album"]["genres"],
                    "rating": album_dict["rating"],
                    "timestamp": album_dict["timestamp"]}))

    return result_queries

Should I run vi inside docker and copy/paste the code into it or is there another way?


  • You need to copy your file to the Docker container. Procedure for that is following:

    1. Open command prompt/terminal and find out CONTAINER ID of Memgraph Docker container
    2. Go to a folder/directory where is saved and write the following command: docker cp ./ <CONTAINER ID>:/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/

    Don't forget to replace <CONTAINER ID> with real CONTAINER ID from step one. The CONTAINER ID looks something like 38cd0e84f17b

    You could also create file using vi if you have it installed in your container. I've never tried to do that, but take a look at this question for instructions on how to do that.

    For me personally the easiest way to create transformation module is using the Memgraph Lab, but you didn't mention if you have it or not.