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split monthly values into daily using pandas for a range of years

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Hello. I need to obtain daily data for a range of years, I only have one here. But I have a problem to copy the daily values of one year, for the rest of the range.

How can I do this with pandas?

ETPc.index=pd.to_datetime(ETPc.index, format="%m")
ETPc=ETPc.reindex(pd.date_range(ETPc.index.min(), ETPc.index.max() + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), name='date'),method='ffill')
ETPc=ETPc.div(ETPc.index.daysinmonth, axis=0).reset_index()

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years=pd.period_range(1980,2020, freq='Y')
for year in np.arange(1980,2020):
    if ~calendar.isleap(year):


  • Use MultiIndex.from_product for combinations years and months, for repeat use DataFrame.reindex, convert MultiIndex to PeriodIndex, use DataFrame.resample for days and last if necessary remove leap days:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'FECHA':range(1, 13),
                       'UNIBAN':np.random.rand(12) + 9.98,
                       'TULENAPA':np.random.rand(12) + 9.18}).set_index('FECHA')

    years = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(1980, 2020), range(1,13)])
    df = df.reindex(years, level=1)
    df.index = (pd.to_datetime( x: f'{x[0]}-{x[1]}'), format='%Y-%m')
    df = df.resample('D').ffill()
    df = df[(df.index.month != 2) | ( != 29)]
    print (df.head())
                  UNIBAN  TULENAPA
    1980-01-01  9.989359  10.01358
    1980-01-02  9.989359  10.01358
    1980-01-03  9.989359  10.01358
    1980-01-04  9.989359  10.01358
    1980-01-05  9.989359  10.01358
    print (df.tail())
                   UNIBAN  TULENAPA
    2019-12-27  10.807568  9.932473
    2019-12-28  10.807568  9.932473
    2019-12-29  10.807568  9.932473
    2019-12-30  10.807568  9.932473
    2019-12-31  10.807568  9.932473