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Jenkins pipeline getting error log in slack notification

I’m new to jenkins and slack.
I’m trying to integrate the error part of the build logs into my slack build notifications.
I didn't find documentation on how to get logs in the notification, i'm not looking for uploadfile.


  • There are different ways to do this. As you mentioned you can either read the Jenkins log and try to determine what the error was. A better approach would be to wrap your logic with a try-catch and send the notification in the catch block.

    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
        stage('Example') {
          steps {
            script {
               try {
                    sh 'letsGenerateAError'
                catch (error) {
                    echo "Error occurred while Running. Message : ${error.getMessage()}"
                    slackSend(channel: channel, color: colorCode, message: "Error occurred while Running. Message : ${error.getMessage()}")
                    throw error