This is my configuration class but when I delete the state and restart so it builds from the changelog topic I am unable see any messages in the logs.
Steps to produce setup kafkastream:
[-StreamThread-2] o.a.k.s.p.i.StoreChangelogReade stream-thread [foobar-91eae487-939e-439a-bd5f-c918c1f13145-StreamThread-2] Finished restoring changelog foobar-test-avro-leg-changelog-1 to store test-avro-leg with a total number of 66718 records
public class SpringKafkaStreamConfig {
public StreamsBuilderFactoryBeanCustomizer streamsBuilderFactoryBeanCustomizer(){
return factoryBean -> {
List< StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.Listener
> out = factoryBean.getListeners();
factoryBean.setKafkaStreamsCustomizer(new KafkaStreamsCustomizer() {
public void customize(KafkaStreams kafkaStreams) {
kafkaStreams.setGlobalStateRestoreListener(new StateRestoreListener() {
java.util.Date start = null;
java.util.Date stop = null;
public void onRestoreStart(TopicPartition topicPartition,String storeName,long startingOffset,long endingOffset) {
start = Time.from(;"Restarting the building of the following " +
"state store: {} " +
"starting " +
"at offset: {} at the this time: {}",
public void onBatchRestored(TopicPartition topicPartition,String storeName,long batchEndOffset,long numRestored) {
public void onRestoreEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition,
String storeName,long totalRestored) {
stop = Time.from(;"State has completed building at this " +
"time: {} and restored for the " +
"following records: {}",
The StreamsBuilderFactoryBeanCustomizer
is a Boot class, used to customize the single SBFB
configured by Spring Boot.
That factory bean is not used by the binder because a new one is needed for each binding.
Spring Cloud Stream uses the StreamsBuilderFactoryBeanConfigurer
provided by spring-kafka instead (if there is exactly one in the application context).