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When should Smoke and Adhoc testing to be done

I am new to the Software Testing, I wanted to know when we can perform smoke and Adhoc in Practical

Also if you guys can provide me some good link that I can refer that also usefull


  • Smoke testing determines the stability of a deployed software build. As a result of the smoke test, the QA team can proceed with further software testing.

    When to do Smoke Testing:

    • As soon as QA gets the build
    • When a company gives the build/software to the customer, chances are their team might miss copying a few files/installing the software. The customer will do smoke testing
    • Release engineer/ Build engineer will do smoke testing to check to build is installed properly in the testing/ Production environment
    • Before giving the build to QA, the dev team will do smoke testing


    • QA can find the defect at the early stage itself
    • Dev team will get sufficient time to fix the defect
    • Test cycle will not be postponed and release will not be delayed

    Resources for Smoke testing:

    Adhoc Testing: Testing the application randomly without looking at the requirement

    Why to do Adhoc testing:

    • Customers can use the application randomly
    • Developing the application as per the requirement is not sufficient
    • Breaking the system

    When to do Adhoc Testing:

    • When their limited time in hand to test the system.
    • When there are no clear test cases to test the product.
    • When formal testing is completed.
    • When the development is mostly complete.

    Why we should not do Adhoc at the early stage:

    • As Test Engineer first, we always test application is testable or not
    • Customers will use the application in a positive way
    • In the beginning only if we spend more time doing Adhoc testing, chances are there you might not get sufficient time to do positive testing

    Resources for Adhoc testing: