Hello? I try to do change scene while I use Mirror Network.
Firstly, this is a picture that my projects' scene structure and describe what I want to do:
And this is a capture image of my unity projects that you can understand my jobs image.
I use this code at my projects.
This code at Server Project:
private void ChangeSceneA()
NetworkManager manager = NetworkManager.singleton;
This Code at Client A :
private void ChangeSceneA()
Debug.Log("SceneA Open");
This code at Client B:
private temp = 0; // to make call this function just aonce.
private void ChangeSceneA()
if (temp < 1)
NetworkManager manager = NetworkManager.singleton;
temp = 1;
I got this error message from server project's console.
It says : There is already a player for this connection. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Is there very nice guy to help me?
I solved this problem. It was little bit easy.
Firstly I use this code to load new scene:
And then, create GameObject variable as global:
private GameObject Player;
Set player at Unity editor and it will be player prefab that you set in here.
Finally, add this code at Start function then it's done.
private void Start()
if(Player.activeSelf == true && isClient)
※ I will keep this question for other people who will have same problem with me.