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Gradle + Kotest + KMongo Coroutines - Could not create instance of class

I'm writing a small application in Kotlin that uses KMongo coroutines and I want to use Kotest as the testing framework.
I wrote a simple test to access a database and retrieve a document:

class KabotMultiDBClientTest : StringSpec({

    val client = KabotMultiDBClient(
            System.getenv("TEST_DB_ID")!! to MongoCredentials(

    "dummy test" { true shouldBe true }


When I test it using the IntelliJ Kotest plugin it works but If I use the

./gradlew kotest

command I receive this error.

Could not create instance of class org.wagham.db.KabotMultiDBClientTest

If I remove the client instantiation the the gradle task works without problems.
This is the code of the class:

class KabotMultiDBClient(
    credentials: Map<String, MongoCredentials>
) {

    private val databaseCache = credentials.keys.fold(mapOf<String, CoroutineDatabase>()) { acc, guildId ->
        credentials[guildId]?.let {
            acc + (guildId to
        } ?: throw InvalidCredentialsExceptions(guildId)

    suspend fun getActiveCharacter(guildId: String, playerId: String): org.wagham.db.models.Character {
        return databaseCache[guildId]?.let {
            val col = it.getCollection<org.wagham.db.models.Character>("characters")
            col.findOne(Document(mapOf("status" to "active", "player" to playerId)))
        } ?: throw InvalidGuildException(guildId)

What could be the origin of the error?


  • I found the error, and it was far more trivial than I imagined: apparently, gradlew launched from the Windows terminal couldn't read the environment variables.

    I modified the build.gradle.kts file in this way and everything worked fine:

    tasks.withType<Test> {
        environment("VAR1", "value 1")
        environment("VAR2", "value 2")
        environment("VARN", "value N")