My Text
colour is not the same as that defined in the theme despite it being inside Surface
; it appears almost the same but not quite.
This simplistic sample layout is bare bones:
MyTheme {
Surface {
Column(Modifier.padding(12.dp)) {
text = "This is a line of text, uses surface",
text = "This is a line of text, forced white",
color = Color.White,
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 4.dp)
My theme is simple:
fun MyTheme(
content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
colors = DarkColours,
content = content
internal val DarkColours = darkColors(
surface = Color(0xFF043143),
onSurface = Color.White,
... // None of the other colours are close to off-white
Even if I explicitly specify the colours to use in the surface, the top Text is still off-white (no change):
color = Color(0xFF043143),
contentColor = Color.White
) { ... }
Elevation is 0.0dp and uses DefaultElevationOverlay
so shouldn't have any effect on contentColor
reports Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
when printed by the first Text
Figured it out while typing this question up so figured I'd share it.
was set to 0.87 inside the contents of MaterialTheme
. This is because of its line
LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.high,
which ultimately resolves to this due to the fact that I'm using a material Color scheme with isLight = false
(thanks to darkColors
private object LowContrastContentAlpha {
const val high: Float = 0.87f
const val medium: Float = 0.60f
const val disabled: Float = 0.38f
A workaround is to re-set alpha back to 1.0:
colors = DarkColours,
) {
// Undo our "dark" colours triggering Material theme
// to use a low contrast alpha (87%).
LocalContentAlpha provides 1.0f,
content = content
(or just use lightColors
/ set isLight = true
if you can afford to do this)
This kind of blows my mind, that Material would just change the alpha of literally all of my app's content - I can't find any doc on why it does this either in the material spec!