I made such a grid using grid antd . code here.
const { Row, Col } = antd;
const App = () => (
<Col className={'first'} span={16}>
<img src="https://picsum.photos/800/400?random=1"/>
<Col span={8}>
<Col className={'second'} span={24}>
<img src="https://picsum.photos/800/400?random=2"/>
<Col className={'third'} span={24}>
<img src="https://picsum.photos/800/400?random=3"/>
const ComponentDemo = App;
ReactDOM.render(<ComponentDemo />, mountNode);
I'm getting data from the server. There may be more than 3 of them there. I should output the first 3 like this. The rest will be displayed after pressing the button. How can this effect be achieved in myData.map()
. To output these elements without using indexes?
I will try do somthing like this
<Col key = {index} span={16}>
<SaleCard {...item}/>
<Col key={index} span={8}>
<SaleCard {...item}/>
I hope this helps. The following code should work with any number of image links sent by the server. I have mocked with 9 images.
I followed components approach, like what you are supposed to when working with React. I created some components and pieced them back-together to create the design that you wanted to with map()
const { Row, Col, Button } = antd;
const {useState} = React;
const data = [
const ColWithImage = (props) => (
<Col span={props.n % 3 == 1 ? 16 : 24}>
<img src={data[props.n-1]}/>
const MainRow = (props) => {
const k = props.n*3 + 1;
return (
<ColWithImage n={k}/>
<Col span={8}>
<ColWithImage n={k+1}/>
<ColWithImage n={k+2}/>
const Container = (props) => {
// Create an iterable array depending upon the number of image links
const arr = Array.from(Array(Math.floor(data.length/3)))
// Show only one row if the button is not clicked
// But show all the rows if the button is clicked
return !props.buttonClicked
? <><MainRow n={0}/></>
: (<>
arr.map((item, index) => <MainRow key={index} n={index}/>)
const App = () => {
const [buttonClicked, setButtonClicked] = useState(false);
const [buttonText, setButtonText ] = useState("Show More");
const handleClick = () => {
setButtonText(buttonClicked ? "Show More" : "Show Less");
return (<>
<Container buttonClicked={buttonClicked}/>
<Button onClick={handleClick}>{buttonText}</Button>
const ComponentDemo = App;
ReactDOM.render(<ComponentDemo />, mountNode);
You can view the result here.