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How to plot linestring geometry with R plotly?

I can do this if I go through ggplotly() first:

rivers <- RCzechia::reky("Brno")
p <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = rivers)

But when I try the same thing with plot_ly(), it only displays a straight line:

plot_ly() %>% add_sf(data = rivers, type = "scatter")

What do I need to do for the second approach to work?


  • I converted the data to sf coordinates and used the ggplotly you built to capture the aspect ratio.

    plt <- ggplotly(p)
    newRiver <- sf::st_coordinates(rivers) %>% # help plotly understand
    plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = "lines",
            x = ~X, y = ~Y, split = ~L1, data = newRiver) %>% 
      layout(xaxis = list(scaleratio = plt$x$layout$xaxis$scaleratio,  # set aspect ratio
                          scaleanchor = "y"))

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