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JavaScript Get all substrings between all instances of characters

I have a string with HTML code:

let string = '<span><p>Hello</p></span>';

I want to change all the substrings between < and > to a div element. Here is the desired result:

let desired = '<div><div>Hello</div></div>';

Sort of like .replace(), except the inside of the <> could be anything.

Please avoid Regex if possible. Thanks!


  • You asked for a non regex solution, but this is a perfect application of regex. /<(\/?)\w+>/g is the first one to come to me.

    Parsing html with regex is not a good idea, but in this case it seems fine for a known set of inputs.

    Replace can be used with regex to target any string that matches a pattern, and replace part of it with something else.

    Here is a code example using the above regex:

    const regex = /<(\/?)\w+>/g
    const subst = `<$1div>`
    const tagToDiv = (str) => str.replace(regex, subst)
    const str1 = `<span><p>Hello</p></span>`
    const str2 = `regex should not parse html <yes> <no>`
    console.log({str1, result: tagToDiv(str1)})
    console.log({str2, result: tagToDiv(str2)})

    If you don't want to use regex, you can parse the string character by character, but this will perform badly, with more complexity.