I have a question about processing data for lines where checkbox is checked. When I hit "Submit", I need to end up with as many lines in a table as checked on the form.
Here is code that populates the form data. Checkbox''s value is unique.
<CFLOOP query = "ship_details">
<tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ffffff'), DE('f8f8f8'))#">
<TD class="TDC" align="right"><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" name="MYCHECKBOX" value="#ship_details.cust_po_nbr#" ID="chkPo" checked></TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.cust_po_nbr#</TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.store_id#</TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.numb_of_cart#</TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.total_qty#</TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.weight#</TD>
<TD class="TDC">#ship_details.volume#</TD>
<cfif form.soldto EQ "AMAZON">
<TD class="TDC"><cfinput name="pallets" type="text" size="10"></TD>
When I hit "Submit", following query fails.
<cfquery name="abc" datasource="#REQUEST.T#">
insert into T
values (
It''s because values entered into fields coming over as list:
<cfloop list="#MYCHECKBOX#" index="i">
<cfoutput>#i# - #pallets#<br /></cfoutput>
I see this:
152N0000 - 1,2,5
152N5IKV - 1,2,5
6N8SCRIY - 1,2,5
A simple approach is appending or prepending an identifier or index to all of your input names. This way you can connect fields with each other in the controller.
<cfloop query="ship_details">
<input type="checkbox" name="MYCHECKBOX_#ship_details.currentRow#" value="#ship_details.cust_po_nbr#">
<input type="text" name="pallets_#ship_details.currentRow#">
yields a form submit like
"MYCHECKBOX_1": "12345",
"MYCHECKBOX_3": "12347",
"pallets_1": "5",
"pallets_2": "",
"pallets_3": "7"
(row 1 and 3 have been checked - unchecked inputs are not part of a submit)
which you can connect doing
<cfset inputData = []>
<cfset MAX_ROWS = 99>
<cfloop from="1" to="#MAX_ROWS#" index="row">
<!--- has this row been checked? --->
<cfif not structKeyExists(FORM, "MYCHECKBOX_#row#")>
<cfset inputData.add({
"cust_po_nbr": FORM["MYCHECKBOX_#row#"],
"pallets": FORM["pallets_#row#"]
<cfdump var="#inputData#">
and ending up with
"cust_po_nbr": "12345",
"pallets": "5"
"cust_po_nbr": "12347",
"pallets": "7"
Since iterating over an artificial limit is pretty ugly, you can also just extract the checkboxes beforehand by matching against fieldnames
<cfset inputData = []>
<cfset checkedRows = reMatchNoCase("\bMYCHECKBOX_[0-9]+\b", FORM.FIELDNAMES)>
<cfloop array="#checkedRows#" index="cbKey">
<cfset row = listLast(cbKey, "_")>
<cfset inputData.add({
"cust_po_nbr": FORM[cbKey],
"pallets": FORM["pallets_#row#"]
<cfdump var="#inputData#">