Search code examples

Gatling jsonpath, save value

enter image description hereI have a json response I want to obtain a value from looking like this:

"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
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      "lastUpdated": "2022-09-23T11:37:49.6022504+02:00",
      "source": "$getMedication",
      "profile": [
    "type": "document",
    "timestamp": "2022-09-23T11:37:49.6022471+02:00",
    "total": 6,
    "link": [
        "relation": "self",
        "url": "http://xxx/Patient/$getMedication"
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                    "display": "Nil Known"
                "text": "Nil Known"
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                "coding": [
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                    "code": "sectionAllergies",
                    "display": "Section allergies"
              "text": {
                "status": "generated",
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                    "display": "Nil Known"
                "text": "Nil Known"
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              "text": {
                "status": "generated",
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              "use": "official",
              "type": {
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                    "system": "",
                    "code": "FNR-nummer"
              "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
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              "use": "official",
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          "resourceType": "Patient",
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              "use": "official",
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        "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:4b4de0ae-3f2d-4030-a193-26713cf30260",
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          "id": "667718723",
          "meta": {
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                        "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
                        "code": "C",
                        "display": "Reseptgruppe C"
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              "extension": [
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                        "system": "http://xxx/fhir/CodeSystem/sfm-festregistrationtype",
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                        "display": "Legemiddelvirkestoff"
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                "display": "Paracetamol tab 1 g"
                "system": "",
                "code": "N02BE01",
                "display": "Paracetamol"
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          "form": {
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                "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
                "code": "53",
                "display": "Tablett"
        "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:8c714f72-0c90-403d-9e80-b08c61f82068",
        "resource": {
          "resourceType": "MedicationStatement",
          "id": "1850837775",
          "meta": {
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                  "valueDate": "2023-09-20"
                  "url": "festUpdate",
                  "valueDateTime": "2022-08-25T13:54:02+00:00"
                  "url": "dssn",
                  "valueString": "1 tablett morgen daglig"
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                  "valueQuantity": {
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                      "valueDate": "2022-09-21"
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                          "valueQuantity": {
                            "value": 1.0,
                            "unit": "tablett"
                          "url": "interval",
                          "valueQuantity": {
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                            "unit": "Døgn"
                          "url": "accurate",
                          "valueBoolean": false
                          "url": "timerange",
                          "valueCodeableConcept": {
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                                "code": "1",
                                "display": "Morgen"
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                    "type": "http://xxx/fhir/StructureDefinition/sfm-Practitioner",
                    "display": "Bjørn Psa Visjon, HPR: 1010038"
                  "url": "timestamp",
                  "valueDateTime": "2022-09-21T16:10:25.5229768+02:00"
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            "type": "http://xxx/fhir/StructureDefinition/sfm-Medication",
            "display": "Paracetamol tab 1 g"
          "subject": {
            "reference": "urn:uuid:67bb77c3-55dc-4643-b334-7f95e38bcf2f",
            "type": "http://xxx/fhir/StructureDefinition/sfm-Patient",
            "display": "Patient 05129997836"
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              "sequence": 1,
              "text": "1 tablett morgen daglig"
  "name": "KJHentetTidspunkt",
  "valueDateTime": "2022-09-23T09:37:49.55+00:00"
  "name": "RFHentetTidspunkt",
  "valueDateTime": "2022-09-23T11:37:49.027+02:00"
  "name": "KJFeilkode",
  "valueCodeableConcept": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://xxx/fhir/CodeSystem/sfm-kj-rf-error-code",
        "code": "0"
    "text": "OK"
  "name": "RFM96Feilkode",
  "valueCodeableConcept": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://xxx/fhir/CodeSystem/sfm-kj-rf-error-code",
        "code": "0"
    "text": "OK"
  "name": "RFM912Feilkode",
  "valueCodeableConcept": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://xxx/fhir/CodeSystem/sfm-kj-rf-error-code",
        "code": "0"
    "text": "OK"
  "name": "KJHarLegemidler",
  "valueBoolean": false
  "name": "KJHarLaste",
  "valueBoolean": false
  "name": "RFHarLaste",
  "valueBoolean": false

The value I am looking for is the "fullUrl", as in urn:uuid:fbb2bd18-a1c3-4f95-8384-d520fba283a5

I tried to use this jsonpath expression: .check(jsonPath("$..[?(@.resourceType=="Bundle")].entry.fullUrl").saveAs("fullUrl"))

However it says

jsonPath($..[?(@.resourceType=="Bundle")].entry.fullUrl).find. exists, found nothing

How can I construct an experssion to obtain the fullUrl?


  • It's because entry is array. So you have two options how to extract the value.

    1. You can get all fullUrl values and then obtain via Gatling EL:

    And then just get by index #{fullUrls(0)} (Documentation)

    1. Or get by index in the json path: