I have a jar files that holds a lot of classes, in each class there are static methods that I have to call from a shell script.
I have a function class for each module, this class aggregates all the methods in the module.
public class Functions{
public static String e1(){return e1.e1();}
public static Integer e2(){return e2.e2();}
public class e1{
public static String e1(){
//do something
public class e2{
public static Integer e2(){
//do something
I want to call the functions in the Function class from sh file:
I read that this is the only solution:
The only java method you can call from a shell script is the main method of a class, by starting that class with a java command line execution.
Is this correct?
I created a module of runners and in this module I created a lot of main classes. Each main class runs a static function as mentioned above.
Then I called the desirable main from the bash function with the java