Following de FCM documentation a have set a default notification icon in AndroidManifest but I want to use a custom icon to be the I already have this icon in the OnMessageReceived method with Build Action = MauiIcon:
var notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, MainActivity.CHANNEL_ID)
Now I want to use this "appicon" in the AndroidManifest (replace the ic_dialog_alert):
android:resource="@android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert" />
I tried: android:resource="@mipmap/appicon" but doesn't work.
How can I use a custom icon as the default_notification_icon in AndroidManifest? Is it possible in Maui? Or do I have to choose one of the android:drawable/ options given?
Solution for me:
I've created a drawable folder: Platforms/Android/Resources/drawable and set the BuildAction of the icon to AndroidResource.
In the AndroidManisfest I was able to get the icon:
android:resource="@drawable/iconnotifi" />