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How to get unique AWS subnet IDs per AZ using data source in terraform?

The VPC needs to attach with the transit gateway, the code:

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "vpc_live" {
  subnet_ids         = toset(data.aws_subnets.vpc_live.ids)
  transit_gateway_id = var.tgw_id
  vpc_id             = var.vpc_id

data source:

data "aws_subnets" "vpc_live" {
  filter {
    name   = "vpc-id"
    values = [var.vpc_id]


Error: updating EC2 Transit Gateway VPC Attachment (tgw-attach-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx): InvalidParameterValue: AddSubnets values count greater than region availability zones
│   status code: 400, request id: dnc3c5d-8927-029c-9fd5-311c3c5b5046
│   with aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.vpc_live,
│   on line 7, in resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "vpc_live":
│    7: resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "vpc_live" {

I understand it requires only one subnet-id per availability zone (AZ). I have been searching everywhere in their GitHub issues, StackOverflow, but I am wondering if nobody has faced this primary issue.

So my question is, how can I filter my data source in such a way that it returns only 1 subnet ID per AZ?


  • Well, that's quite easy:

    First, get all the availability zones attached to each subnet:

    data "aws_subnet" "vpc_live" {
      for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.vpc_live.ids)
      id       = each.key

    Second, do the reverse. Get all the subnets belongs to those AZs:

    { for s in data.aws_subnet.vpc_live : s.availability_zone => }

    Finally, pick the first subnet on the index from all AZs:

    resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "vpc_live" {
      subnet_ids         = [for subnet_ids in { for s in data.aws_subnet.ids : s.availability_zone => } : subnet_ids[0]]
      transit_gateway_id = var.tgw_id
      vpc_id             = var.vpc_id

    I ran the code on my system, and check the output:

    subnets_ids = [
        + "subnet-xxxx123",
        + "subnet-xxxx456",
        + "subnet-xxxx789",