I have to upgrade cert-manager on GKE cluster and due to the big version gap I have to uninstall and re-install it. Basically, I am wondering how should I uninstall it and since I installed it through kustomization file I thought I will do the same with the uninstallation. The question is: is it possible or not?
I also want to know if I can delete the manifests all together or there's an order? eg: delete controller before deleting the CRDs.
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization resources: - crds/clusterissuers.crd.yaml - crds/issuers.crd.yaml - crds/challenges.crd.yaml - crds/certificaterequests.crd.yaml - crds/orders.crd.yaml - crds/certificates.crd.yaml - operator/cainjector - operator/webhook - operator/controller
You should be able to uninstall it by running kustomize build 'folder' | kubectl delete -f -
Kustomize will remove the resources in order, so I would remove first the operators and later the CRDs as cleanup.