I trying to write to the jsong file. I want my json file should be written with indentation. But It has only one line. It is possible in python. How to do it in ballerina.
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4089,
"gallons": 21.682,
"gasPrice": 3.46
"employeeId": 3423,
"odometerReading": 6582,
"gallons": 15.248,
"gasPrice": 4.56
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4127,
"gallons": 4.221,
"gasPrice": 3.40
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4349,
"gallons": 11.192,
"gasPrice": 4.10
"employeeId": 3423,
"odometerReading": 6767,
"gallons": 8.696,
"gasPrice": 3.34
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4547,
"gallons": 9.197,
"gasPrice": 2.90
But My file has
[{"employeeId":2413, "gasFillUpCount":4, "totalFuelCost":161.92962, "totalGallons":46.292, "totalMilesAccured":458}, {"employeeId":3423, "gasFillUpCount":2, "totalFuelCost":98.57552, "totalGallons":23.944, "totalMilesAccured":185}]
Adding to the @ThisaruG answer, if you want the indentation(without the escape characters) in the JSON file, you can use the io:fileWriteString
instead of io:fileWriteJson
. Please refer to the following example,
import ballerina/io;
import thisarug/prettify;
public function main() returns error? {
// Initializes the JSON file path and content.
string jsonFilePath = "./files/jsonFile.json";
json jsonContent = [{"employeeId": 2413, "odometerReading": 4089, "gallons": 21.682, "gasPrice": 3.46}];
string prettified = prettify:prettify(jsonContent);
check io:fileWriteString(jsonFilePath, prettified);