In below program i am getting error std::future_error: No associated state error.could anyone help why i am facing this error
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
void task(int& var, std::future<int>& refFuture)
std::packaged_task<int()> mytask{ [&](){var = 25; return var;}};
auto future = mytask.get_future();
refFuture = std::move(future);
int main()
int variable = 10;
std::future<int> future;
std::thread t1(task, std::ref(variable), std::ref(future));
std::future_status status = future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0));
if(status == std::future_status::ready)
int myOutput = future.get();
std::cout << "Myoutput :" << myOutput << std::endl;
You are not waiting for the thread to actually execute refFuture = std::move(future);
before you wait on future
in the main thread, so the future in main does not have any associated state to wait on at that point.
I am not sure what you are intending to do here, but you are supposed to prepare the std::packaged_task
in the main thread, obtain the future from it in the main thread as well and then move the std::packaged_task
into the thread to execute it there (per operator()
or per make_ready_at_thread_exit
). See e.g. the example at