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How to get other player's value in Unity when I use Mirror Network?

Hello? I'm studying the MIRROR Network Now.

enter image description here

However, I have a problem about getting other player's value. This image explain what I want to do.

enter image description here

I create 3 projects. One is server(local host) and other is Client A , the other is Client B.

Firstly, I wrote code like this :

public class PlayerManager : NetworkBehaviour
    [SyncVar(hook = nameof(onValueChanged))]
    int value = 0;

    private void Update()
        if(isServer && Input.GetKeyDown("x"))

    public override void OnStartServer()
        Debug.Log("Here is Game Room Scene, Player add Successfully");

    private void Hola()

        Debug.Log("Received Hola from the client!");
        Debug.Log("Server Value : " + value);

    private void ReplyHola()
        Debug.Log("Received Hola from Client!");

    private void Message()

    private void UpdateValue(int value)
        this.value = value;

    private void onValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
        Debug.Log("New Value Detective :");
        Debug.Log("Old Value : " + oldValue);
        Debug.Log("New Value : " + newValue);
        Debug.Log("Sum Value : " + PlayerStat.Value);

3 Projects have all same code. I referenced code from this video(

And, I wrote code about sum client A and B's code like this:

private void SumDatas()
    foreach(var playerObj in FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[])
        if( == "Player(Clone)")
            PlayerStat.Value += GameObject.Find("Player(Clone)").transform.GetComponent<PlayerManager>().GetValue();

PlayerStat is a static class and Code is like this:

public static class PlayerStat
    public static int Value { get; set; }

Is there anybody help me?


  • I solved this problem. I will not delete this question for other people who will have same problem with me.

    I add this code at my server project, Client A and B project:

     [SyncVar(hook = nameof(onValueChanged))]
     int value = 0;
     int myValue = 0;
     private void Update()
        myValue = PlayerStat.Value;   