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Retrieve a specific DB project and its tables from SQL Server in R

I am new to using SQL Server from RStudio. I am connected to SQL Server from RStudio and the server has several different projects listed in the below image. For this work I am using odbc library. I am trying to retrieve the tables of a specific project(Project_3960). I have tried dbListTables(conn,"Project_3960") but this command retrieve the tables from all the projects listed in the below Picture. I just want to retrieve the table which are listed in dbo in Project_3690.

The first picture is from RStudio and the second picture is from SQL Management Studio to show the structure of the folders, in case for executing SQL Query.


enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Its not quite direct to retrieve the data from SQL server using RStudio when you have different schemas and all are connected to the server. It is easy to view the connected Databases with schema in SQL Server Management Studio but not in RStudio. The easiest way while using Rodbc is to use dot(.) operator and its easy to retrieve the tables of a specific data base is by using "." with dbGetQuery function. I tried dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from project_3690.dbo.AE_ISD ") and it works perfectly fine.